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Jonas Altoe Global Head of R&D

As of March 1, Jonas Altoé is appointed Global Head R&D for Incotec, taking over R&D leadership from Marcia Werner, who will continue her leadership of Latam Life Sciences R&D within Croda. Jonas will also continue to manage the R&D team at Incotec headquarters in Enkhuizen.

Bruno Hoeltgebaum, global business director Incotec: “Jonas has over 15 years of experience at Incotec and has been pivotal in enhancing R&D capabilities and market connection. With relocating from Brasil to the Netherlands last year, he has further deepened his knowledge in another relevant geography and will leverage his expertise in supporting seed teams globally. We are confident that Jonas experience and strong drive will help us achieving our ambitious goals.” 

Jonas Alté, Global head of R&D at Incotec
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