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OPINION: Priming seeds - DIY or service supplier

The priming of seeds for agriculture is one of the most powerful techniques in seed enhancement. Seed breeding companies can choose to do the priming in-house, or to bring their seeds to a specialised service supplier. You may wonder when it is advantageous to do the priming yourself and when it is better to have this outsourced. Henry Bruggink, senior research scientist at Incotec, shares his insights.

In the recent ISA (International Seed Academy) course “360° view on priming”, I was asked to give a presentation on the topic of in-house priming versus outsourcing. Working for a service provider myself, one could say that I should be strongly in favour of the latter, however, objectively seen there are arguments for either of these options.

Incotec's Henry Bruggink

Production scale priming

For priming on a production scale, it is important that a number of requirements is fulfilled. To start with, knowledge is needed to develop protocols for new species and improve protocols for species that are already being primed. Usually that is R&D work. Next, it is important to have equipment in different sizes, to prime seed lots of different volumes. And third, and probably most important, experienced staff is needed that can consistently execute the priming protocols.

Developing a suitable priming for your seed

Principally, it is possible to develop and perform primings with very limited resources. A simple lab and simple equipment will do; what is most important is the knowledge and innovative force to apply known protocols, to adapt existing protocols and to invent new ones. Knowledge does not only concern the priming protocol and equipment itself, also the germination characteristics, including dormancy, are important aspects, especially where it concerns the development of a priming for a new species. Once the germination requirements are known, research can start to develop the most appropriate priming.

Using wet filter paper in a petri dish with some seeds already allows for applying treatments and adjust or develop a protocol. However, when it comes to the commercial production of seed lots of different species with variable sizes, much more is needed.

“Most important is the knowledge and innovative force to apply known protocols, to adapt existing protocols and to invent new ones”

Benefit of specialist priming provider

At a service provider this is all present. An R&D team that is experienced in priming as well as a priming department that has the know-how and equipment to handle all orders. A germination lab for testing, departments for the logistics and for other seed treatments like upgrading, pelleting and film coating. Whether this is all available at a seed company depends especially on size. Since breeding is the main purpose of a seed company, smaller companies tend not to have the capacity to perform extensive seed technological procedures. Bigger seed companies may have all they need, but can still decide to outsource certain parts, especially when it concerns knowledge on priming seed of more difficult species.


More about Incotec's priming techniques.

Published by
  • Henry Bruggink Technology Specialist
Which priming is best for your seeds?