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Keeping you up to date with what's happening at Incotec around the world. Here you can find the latest news about our business, events, new product launches and seed industry insights.

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Bruno Hoeltgebaum, Global Business Director Incotec, announces 2024 ISF golf tournament winners

ISF golf prize supports good cause

8 January 2025: The winners of the ISF 2024 golf tournament have donated the cash prize provided by Incotec to Seed Programs International
Incotec's location in Urbandale is close to customers  in corn, soybean, rice, and other field crops.

Seed enhancement for field crops at ASTA

9 December 2024: At the North American Field Crops Convention taking place in Florida (10-13 December), Incotec’s William Olson and Jeff Hein are eager to connect with customers and discuss the latest...
Incotec's Asian Seed Congress team are presented the prize for the most eductaional booth

Most educational booth at ASC 2024

10 December 2024: Incotec awarded prize for most educational booth at ASC 2024. This year we showcased seed technologies that contribute to sustainabily achieving food security in Asia .
Comparison of seedlings from primed vs unprimed seed

OPINION: How sustainable is seed priming?

5 December 2024: Seed priming is an effective technique, but how sustainable is it? Discover how different pre-germination techniques score on sustainability
Incotec booth at ASC 2024

Showcasing innovative solutions at ASC 2024

29 November 2024: A team from Incotec will be in Booth SB09 showing seed enhancements for Asia at the Asian Seed Congress 2024. Incotec Asia combines advanced technology with local expertise to...
Incotec's Henry Bruggink

OPINION: Priming seeds - DIY or outsource to a supplier ?

16 October 2024: What is the advantage of priming seeds in-house? Or is it better to outsource this work to a specialised service provider? Henry Bruggink, Senior Research Scientist, shares some...
Bruno Hoeltgebaum, Sales Director Incotec

Bruno Hoeltgebaum shares views in Seed World

8 October 2024: Bruno Hoeltgebaum, Business Director at Incotec, is one of the experts discussing regenerative agriculture in an article in Seed World Europe.
Sunflower filled with seeds coated with Incotecs microplastic free film coat Disco L-1523

New film coat for sunflower launched at Euroseeds

03 October 2024: Introducing the newest microplastic-free top performer. Disco Blue L-1523 was developed to meet customer requirements for an intense blue film coat.
Carolina Pereira Cardoso, Research Scientist Incotec

OPINION: Does film coating affect seed performance?

01 October 2024: In the first of a series of articles, Carolina Pereira Cardoso discusses the benefits and challenges of seed film coating, and how it contributes to seed vigor and crop yield.
Incotec's Brechje Veerman and Chloé Martin

Incotec lecture at Seed meets Technology

10 September 2024: At Seed meets Technology on 24 September, Incotec’s Brechje Veerman and Chloé Martin will deliver a lecture on what regenerative agriculture is, and what it means from a seed...
Rhizobia bacteria stimulate cell divisions that lead to the formation of nodules

OPINION: Rhizobia in sustainable ag: specificity is key

12 September 2024: Unlock the potential of rhizobia in sustainable agriculture. Learn how these bacteria aid nitrogen fixation and promote sustainable agriculture for the future.
enhanced root growth

OPINION: The role of Pseudomonas: friend or foe in agriculture

19 September 2024: Carola Peters explores the significant role of Pseudomonas in plant growth promotion, disease control, and sustainable agriculture practices.

OPINION: The Bacillus family has it all: biostimulant, biofungicide, bioinsecticide

29 August 2024: Due to their many beneficial effects, there are several uses of Bacillus spp. in agriculture. But who does what, and how does it work?
Mycorrhiza applied to onion seed in a film coating

OPINION: The challenges of applying microbes to seed

06 August 2024: The challenges that come with each seed coating method when it comes to direct application of compounds such as microbes, nutrients and plant protection products.
Rob Pronk, Global Marketing Manager Incotec

OPINION: Mitigating abiotic stress in crops

19 June 2024: Abiotic stress from factors like drought, salinity and temperature, poses significant challenges. Our paper looks at strategies to enhance crop resilience and mitigate these challenges.
healthy seedling in dry ground illustrating Incotec's solutions for abiotic stress to plants

Incotec and Croda release whitepaper on abiotic stress

27 may 2024: The report 'Mitigating abiotic stress to create resilient crops' has been produced with input from the top experts in the field from Incotec and Croda as well as from other sources
A hand cupping a seedling

Fad or Future?

14 May 2024: In the first of a two-part article in Seed World Europe, industry experts, including Bruno Hoeltgebaum, Business Director at Incotec, share their views and tell us what companies like...
Incotec booth in Holland Pavilion at ISF 2024

Incotec promotes partnerships for sustainability at ISF’s Holland Pavilion

07 May 2024: Incotec is open for smart partnerships with other companies and institutions, especially if this means accelerating in the fields of sustainability and innovation.
Rob Pronk, Global Marketing Manager Incotec

Incotec's Rob Pronk among experts views in Seed World article

08 May 2024: In a recent article in Seed World, Rob Pronk is one of the experts sharing views on the move toward more sustainable agriculture, the importance of seed treatment in achieving that, and...
Bruno Hoeltgebaum, Sales Director Incotec

Highlighting global presence and local solutions at ISF 2024

07 May 2024: This year the World Seed Congress celebrates 100 years of the International Seed Federation (ISF). At this special edition of the annual congress, Incotec shows that it is a truly global...
Han Botterhuis, Site Director Incotec Europe

Han Botterhuis Incotec on Seed Valley Board

09 April 2024: Han Botterhuis, site director Incotec Europe, has joined the Seed Valley Board.
Heliosec effluent water disposal system at Incotec South Africa

Reducing Effluent Water Disposal

Reducing effluent water disposal at our facility in South Africa is an example of Incotec's commitment to becoming more sustainable
Tomoko Sakata, R&T Manager Incotec and Ernest Fong, Business Development Manager Incotec

Seed Technology central theme at Thai workshop

5 March 2024: Incotec’s Ernest Fong, Business Development Manager, and Tomoko Sakata, Research and Technology Manager Asia Pacific, will address a number of advanced seed technology topics as key...
Farm machinery in the field on cover of Incotec's booklet on how our sustainability strategy aligns with the UN's SDGs

UPDATE: Sustainable innovation from seed to harvest

28 February 2024: We have updated our booklet ‘Sustainable innovation from seed to harvest’. Download here and learn how we leverage smart science to maximize land productivity and support the UN's...
Incotec's Tessa Wehrmeijer presents donation to Food Bank Westfiesland

Incotec donates to Food Bank West-Friesland

14 February 2024: In an internal competition (the "Purpose In Action Award") Incotec won an award in the Health, Safety and Welfare category for working with ambassadors who are committed to further...
Tomoko Sakata, R&T Manager Incotec and Ernest Fong, Business Development Manager Incotec

Seed Technology Seminar Thailand

23 January 2024: What can seed technology do for crops in Thailand? In a seminar on Feb 1st Incotec’s Tomoko Sakata and Ernest Fong will update you on the benefits and newest developments
Joop Deen collects and processes scrap iron for a good cause

Embracing the spirit of Christmas

19 December 2023: Employees donate their Christmas gift allocation and Incotec donates a further 1000 euros to the same charity.
primed watermelon seed vs unprimed

OPINION: 5 new techniques for priming

28 November 2023: In this article Henry Bruggink dives into some new techniques for priming. The focus will be on techniques for which a patent application was made.
Tomoko Sakata, Incotec R&T Manager

OPINION: 4 key solutions to support sustainable agriculture

14 November 2023: Asia's agricultural industry is under threat. Seed enhancement can play a role in transitioning to more sustainable agriculture
Incotec India staff plant trees to celebrate 20th anniversary

Incotec India celebrates 20 years with dual event

20 October 2023: Anniversary celebrations at Ahmedabad followed by a tree planting event at Mankol School.
Seeds in fluid during priming process

Opinion: The 3 standard techniques for seed priming

31 October 2023: This most recent article by Henry Bruggink, specialist in seed priming at Incotec, explains the three standard techniques for seed priming.
Seed priming in the Incotec lab

OPINION: 7 aspects to consider when priming seeds

03 October 2023: In the second article in this series, Incotec's priming specialist, Henry Bruggink, explains what needs to be considered when improving seed quality through priming.
Marion Smorenburg accepts Plantum Sustainability Prize on behalf of Incotec

Plantum Sustainability Award 2023

21 September 2023: The Plantum Sustainability Award was presented to Marion Smorenburg of Incotec by Marien Valstar of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Incotec wins the...
Incotec and Croda directors inaugurate new sustainable seed film coating facility

Aquarela - new film coating facility Brazil

14 September 2023: Incotec has opened a new film coating production facility, named “Aquarela” at the Incotec site in Holambra, Brazil. This expansion is a response to the growing demands of the film...
announcing nominees of Plantum Sustainabilty Award

Nomination Plantum Sustainability Award

12 September 2023: Incotec's efforts in seed enhancement for speeding up reforestation have resulted in a nomination for the Plantum Sustainability Award. The winner will be announced on 21st...
Seeds pouring into a vessel in a lab

OPINION: 5 questions about the priming of seeds

05 September 2023: The priming of seeds for agriculture is an effective way to improve germination. In the first of a series of articles, Henry Bruggink answers some questions about this powerful seed...
fungus on seeds in research into biological seed protection

Opinion: Delivering microbial formulations

14 August 2023: How can combining knowledge, expertise and capabilities across different agricultural markets help overcome some of these challenges?
Incotec's managing director presents prize to ISF golf tournament winners

Incotec sponsors golf prize donation to charity

13 June 2023: As sponsor of the ISF golf tournament, Incotec has provided 5000 euros for donation to winners charity
Photo compilation of petri dish with seedlings plus vegetables and field crops and a globe representing seed technology for all crops to help feed the world

Incotec, world seed congress sponsor, extends invitation for discussion

17 May 2023: At this year's ISF World Seed Congress, Incotec invites attendees to stand SB-503 to discuss the role of seed treatment in the challenges facing the sector.
Petri dish demonstrating how fungi can work as protection for plants in agriculture

Opinion: Three ways to get microbes in the right place at the right time

09 May 2023: That microbes can have a positive impact on plant development is no secret, but how can you get the microbes to the right spot at the right time?
Incotec's research and technology director, Marcia Werner

Marcia Werner speaks at FAO regional conference

18 April 2023: Marcia Werner, Incotec's R&T Director, speaker in FAO 'No good crops without good seed' event
Incotec researcher working on biologicals for use in agriculture

Whitepaper: Formulating Biologicals for Agriculture

12 April 2023: Incotec and Croda Crop Protection have released a whitepaper on biologicals in the agrochemical sector: the potential and the challenges.
Innovation Centre Enkhuizen

Investing in site Enkhuizen

27 March 2023: Incotec is investing in the future with plans to further develop the site in Enkhuizen, The Netherlands.
Zittend van links naar rechts Barry Hoff, Erik Jan Bartels en Ronald Siffels van Incotec Staand: Arnout Asjes van Land Life

Incotec and Land Life join forces to accelerate global reforestation

23 March 2023 : Seed enhancement company Incotec and tech-driven reforestation company Land Life have signed an MoU to collaborate in a pioneering project integrating smart coating technologies on...
Croda volunteers help plant seeds for charitable organisation America's Grow-a-Row

Seed pelleting helps combat food insecurity

28 February 2023: Seed pelleting provided by Incotec and financial support from The Croda Foundation enable USA charity 'America's Grow-a-Row to provide more healthy food for the needy.
Logo Indian Seed Congress

Indian Seed Congress

28 February 2023: A team from Incotec India will be offering advice and expertise on seed technology for the Indian market from their booth at the Indian Seed Congress.
Booth wall showing links to Incotec seed technologies

Sharing seed enhancement expertise at Bangladesh Seed Congress

9 February 2023 : In the Incotec booth, seed technology experts are on hand to discuss the right solution for your crop needs.
Beauveria bassiana

Opinion : Microbes eating insects

Microorganisms play an important role in life on earth. Also, in agriculture they can be major contributors to a sustainable world. There is a group of microorganisms that can be classified as bio...
Henry Bruggink of Incotec

Chapter on priming by Henry Bruggink in new book on sustainable crop production

21 December 2022: Henry Bruggink, senior researcher at Incotec, has contributed to the recently published book Advances in seed science and technology for more sustainable crop production. In the book...
corn seeds and pathogens

Opinion: The fight against soil borne pathogens

Microorganisms can use different modes of action to protect the plant. In the third blog on the use of microbes in agriculture Carola Peters explains what these are.
ColorIn pigment for seed film coating

New color pigment added to product range

29 November 2021: This valuable addition to the product range is in answer to customers’ requests for a full portfolio of seed enhancement products.
Incotec USA GM

Nathen Deppe appointed general manager of Incotec's North American business

22 November 2022: Incotec announces the appointment of a new general manager in North America. Nathen Deppe has an extensive background in agriculture and a proven track record. His knowledge of the...
Manish patel, managing director of Incotec India, after being elected as president of the APSA

New president of APSA

Asian Pacific Seed Association elect Manish Patel, Managing Director of Incotec India, as president.
Whitepaper on a microplastic free future for seed treatments

Incotec and Croda publish recommendations for seed industry on transition to microplastic-free treatments

17 November 2022: We have developed expertise on assessing whether products contain microplastics and on producing new microplastic-free alternatives. The whitepaper provides in-depth information on...
Effect of mycorrhiza on onion development

Opinion: Invisible creatures that help the plant thrive

In the second blog of this series on microbes, Carola Peters tells us how microbes can provide the three main nutrients a plant needs.
Marta Dobrowolska-Haywood, Incotec's R&D Manager

Opinion: Going microplastic free: lessons from Croda and Incotec’s seed treatment journey

The transition to microplastic-free seed coatings is a challenge for the whole seed industry. Marta Dobrowolska-Haywood talks about the approach taken by Incotec and Croda and what steps they will...
Incotec's R&D Manager

Opinion: The new microplastics legislation - what does it mean for seed treatments and coatings

Marta Dobrowolska-Haywood blogs on the new restrictions of microplastics and the consequences.

Opinion: Superpowers of microbes

In this first blog of a series about microbes and how they can benefit agriculture, Carola Peters describes some of the remarkable qualities of microbes..
Incotec's research and technology director, Marcia Werner

Incotec's Marcia Werner speaks at FAO's Global Congress

19 October 2022: With a presentation entitled 'Seed Technology to Upgrade Crop Sustainability', Incotec's Research and Technology Director talks on how applied seed technology contributes to the UN...
Participants of the ISF 2022 golf tournament

ISF golf tournament prizes donated to Red Cross

30 May 2022: The winners of the golf tournament, Mr. Chiaravanond Manas and Ms. Kietisirikajorn Supaporn decided to donate their prizes, provided by Incotec, in the name of the company they both work...
Michael Keller of ISF and Erik Jan Bartels of Incotec shake hands after renewing the partnership agreement

Renewed partnership with ISF

16 May 2022: Incotec will continue to support the International Seed Federation for the coming three years. With the agreement Incotec continues to be one of key partners for the ISF with particular...
Solynta and Incote sign collaboration agreement to optimise performance of hybrid true potato seed

Incotec and Solynta announce partnership

16 May 2022: Incotec and true potato seed breeder Solynta announced at the International Seed Federation (ISF) congress today, May 16th, that they have entered in a collaboration agreement to optimize...
Mission zero card - seed paper and biodegradable

ISF World Seed Congress 2022

11 May 2022: More sustainable seed enhancement to come under Mission Zero. Incotec is providing information in booth 35 at the ISF congress in Barcelona on 16-18 May.
Henry Bruggink of Incotec

Incotec lecture on X-ray at ISTA congress

08 May 2022: Henry Bruggink will explain the use of X-ray in seed analysis and seed selection and talk about the software used for selection and how this relates to the ISTA rules..
CEO Incotec Eric Jan Bartels signing sponsor contract with cultural centre De Drom

Continued support for De Drom in Enkhuizen

02 May 2022 : Incotec will continue to support cultural centre De Drom in Enkhuizen for the coming years. The official signatures were placed under the contract for 3 years by Erik Jan Bartels of...
Incotec golf ball

Sport and fun at the ISF golf tournament

19 April 2022: Incotec is sponsor at the ISF golf tournament at the Vallromanes Golf Club in Barcelona on 15 May.
Logo for Mission Zero, Incotec's sustainability strategy

See you at the ISF 2022

11 April 2022 : We are eager to show you what we have been doing. Visit our booth at the 2022 ISF for information on the latest sustainable seed enhancements or book an appointment to talk to a seed...

Xampla and Croda / Incotec to work on biodegradable seed coatings

02 February 2022 : A new partnership has been announced to develop next generation seed coatings that are not only microplastic-free but also fully biodegradable.
Incotec voluteers

Incotec in action against litter

18 January 2022 : A team of Incotec colleagues are cleaning up litter in Enkhuizen in cooperation with a group of volunteers 'Schoon Enkhuizen' (Clean Enkhuizen)
some of the children supported by the Kartini foundation

Generous gesture at Christmas

14 December 2021 : "Giving is not just making a donation, it's making a difference". Incotec employees choose to donate their Christmas gratuity to charity.
Incotec stand at SmT

Incotec at Seed meets Technology 2021

Sustainable seed solutions take centre stage once again
SmT stand 2021

Coming soon - new microplastic-free coatings for vegetable seeds

The vibrantly coloured film coatings are suitable for a wide range of vegetable seeds, compatible with commonly used plant protection products and perform well on parameters such as dust-off and...
sunflower seed treatment including a drying powder

Fluidus - the finishing touch in seed treatment

Fluidus F-038 is a very good alternative for existing finishing powders. Good dust control and a high colour intensity, but without titanium dioxide.
lettuce crop

News : Incotec is first to market with microplastic-free pellet for lettuce seeds

First microplastic-free seed coating for lettuce in North America. The first of a new range of seed coatings that are ready for anticipated regulatory changes.
Microplastic-free logo

Newsletters: microplastics and the seed industry

Keeping you informed about updates in the regulation of microplastics and the development of microplastic-free solutions.
Incotec's R&D Manager

Opinion : Are microplastic-free solutions here to stay?

Marta Dobrowolska discusses the expected bans on the use of microplastics in seed coatings and the impact of this on the seed industry.
microplastic-free seed coatings offer a chance to improve sustainability in agriculture

Opinion : Three ways to feed the world sustainably

How can our industry help towards achieving global food security in a sustainable way?

Currently showing 100 items per page

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veg seeds with microplastic-free coating

Microplastic-free seed coatings

Helping customers get ahead of the ban on miictoplastics in seed coatings, we are expanding our line of microplastic-free products for vegetables and field crops. 
Read more