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AlphaKote Lettuce

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Today's planting equipment requires a smooth finish for optimal results. Pelleting seeds creates that smooth surface and uniform shape as well as an increase in size and weight: all characteristics designed to maximize planting efficiency. Incotec's coating products are developed to maintain the germination capacity of the seed. The AlphaKote pellet improves sowability and can act as a carrier for plant protection products. Incotec's AlphaKote pellet performs very well, even under varying growing conditions, and has a good stand establishment.
AlphaKote Lettuce

Product details

Regional availability

  • North America


  • Pelleting

Features and benefits

  • Combination splitting and melting pellet.
  • High uniformity in size.
  • Medium density.
  • Smooth finish.
  • Suitable for belt or vacuum planters.
  • Good germination under broad range of moisture conditions.


  • Lettuce
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