This pellet is designed to allow the seed free and quick access to moisture and oxygen. The integrated priming improves germination at constant temperatures and breaks photo-dormancy, allowing seeds to germinate in both light and dark conditions.

Regionale beschikbaarheid
- South America
- Priming
- Pelleting
Dit product is vrij van microplastics volgens de huidige ECHA-richtlijnen
Kenmerken en voordelen
- More uniform germination.
- Optimal planting efficiency.
- Breaks photodormancy, allowing seed to germinate in both light and dark conditions.
- Improves germination at constant temperatures.
- Endive
Productbrochures en gidsen
Category: Productinformatie
Title: Product information Brazil TopKote HygroW Special 3.5 Endive
Language: Engels | Size: 1890kb
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